Consumer Advocate
Jun 20, 2022
The Canadian Mental Health Association of Wood Buffalo is pleased to serve the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo with the Consumer Advocate Program. The Case Worker of the Consumer Advocate Program works with people with lived experience of mental illness, their families, and other caregivers on a short-term basis to find the services and supports they need within their local community with an emphasis on community collaborative wrap-around care and community connection and integration.
The Case Worker of the Consumer Advocate Program works to respond to and help meet the needs of participants in the program in the community. The Case Worker works closely with Mental Health Services in the community such as: Community Mental Health Outreach (CMO) team at AHS, regarding patient discharge planning and reintegration back into the community with as much support as possible.
Supports Available:
- Help with financial assistance applications and appeals.
- Help locating affordable housing and subsidies.
- Help with landlord/tenant concerns.
- Help locating programs for mental health recovery, education, employment, training etc.
- Referrals to free and low-cost therapy and counselling services.
- Mental health education and support for caregivers.
- Other supports as identified by individual needs.
The Consumer Advocate Program can be accessed by completing a Referral and sending it to the Consumer Advocate Program Case Worker at: [email protected] or by faxing the referral form to: 780-743-0905. To access a copy of the Consumer Advocate Program Referral Form it can be found here. The Consumer Advocate Program is free to anyone in the Wood Buffalo Region, thanks to our funder, AHS
The Consumer Advocate Program also supports individuals, families and caregivers that are looking for stand alone information, referrals and supports.
To find out more please contact:
Rabia Ikram – Consumer Advocate Program Case Worker at: [email protected] or 780-750-8546. All needs and inquiries will be responded to as quickly and as best as possible.
We would like to acknowledge and thank Alberta Health Services for making the Consumer Advocate Program possible by funding this high demand and valued program in our community.