Welcome to the CMHA Alberta Wood Buffalo Region website.
As a leader and champion for mental health, CMHA Wood Buffalo provides services and facilitates access to the resources people require to maintain and improve mental health. Our efforts promote community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness and addictions.
Quick Access
Caregiver Connections
Peer support for parents and caregivers of those with a mental health and/or addiction concern.
Last year, 8,049 people in Canada died from apparent drug poisonings – an average of 22 deaths per day. These deaths were largely accidental, meaning those using drugs did not…
CMHA Wood Buffalo Kicks off “The Truth Is” Campaign (November 18 – Fort McMurray, AB) CMHA Wood Buffalo is announcing the kick off to “The Truth Is…” campaign. This campaign…
First Responders Golf Tournament raises more than $33,000 for mental health in Wood Buffalo
(Fort McMurray, AB – September 23, 2024) The Canadian Mental Health Association are proud to release the total raised for our First Responders Golf Tournament was $33,237.95. Held on Friday,…
CMHA Alberta and Centre for Suicide Prevention to amalgamate September 1, 2024
CMHA Alberta and Centre for Suicide Prevention to amalgamate September 1, 2024 We are excited to announce that the memberships of both Centre for Suicide Prevention and Canadian Mental…